Sealed book of Mormon Ch.2

7 days ago

AND now I, Moroni, will proceed with the
account of the Brother of Jared, which
translation was given unto me by the gift and
power of God through the Urim and Thummim,
which, being interpreted, is light and perfection.
And it came to pass that the brother of Jared
was carried away by the Spirit of the Lord upon
the mount called Shelem.
And after he had beheld the spirit body of
Jesus, the brother of Jared marveled
exceedingly that his mortal eyes could perceive
such things.
And it came to pass that the Lord perceived
the thoughts of the brother of Jared and said unto him: Marvel not that this thing hath come
to pass. For behold, thou canst not see spiritual
things with mortal eyes. Nevertheless, I have
caused a change to come over thy mortal body
that thou might behold my work and my glory,
which is the work and glory of my Father,
whom I serve.
And it came to pass that the eyes of his
understanding were opened and the brother of
Jared beheld as it were many worlds and
kingdoms without end.
And he marveled exceedingly and
exclaimed, yea his entire soul being filled with
the Spirit of God: Oh, great God, Lord of all,
yea, even the Father of all things in the heavens
and all those things which are upon earth, what
are these worlds which appear to men as the
stars in the night sky?

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