a lotta the time i am speaking hyperbolically

9 days ago

i still get nervous talking about certain things
people get mad at me cos i know more than em
i just make a joke n people get upset
a lotta these people are mostly dead
they are perishing in the real time
a lotta christians are getting the timing all wrong
i just wanna keep it simple but my brain has to meddle
is it cos i'm a woman or mentally ill (same thing)
maybe i'm foolish to believe that there's an answer to every mfing thing
i am such a dude haha
i have a real problem w/ the world that i live in always relying upon authorities that suck at their job
they won't stop goin right back to em *stockholme syndrome, i swear
there should be male, female n poly gender
this, that n the other thing
you don't have to fit the mold or do what you're told OR cut yer genitals off
take it from a very androgynous person...
identity will always be politicized cos they can make $ off of it
i'm proving...that i don't wanna shave

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