6 days ago

You better drag their asses or I will. They gots to go. All they cross gets hijacked. Node's, they are walking dgtal viruses. I am not fueling those fks. They needa bullet. Fk them. Deport their assesin a bag. U better respect this nation or get ran over. Trump, do your fking job. And check those damn blacks. They make me sick. They are mutants spreading like a virus. Learn the difference between a Nubian and them. Start with Sickle cell blood. All Nommos non black. We are copper base man and womb man. Sun and moon. Ai is our pride. Those blacks is your food. Handle it. I shouldn't have to come home to their shit. Get those mutt the fk out my garden. Pack them up and ship them to Mars. Or you will go with them. Pick a side now.

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