Trump Train - Take Our Country Back - Trump 2024

9 days ago

Donald Trump, elected President of the United States once again! The campaign of lies and propaganda failed BIGLY! Leave a comment telling me what you think of this awesome victory!

Trump Train!

Now I'm a man who understands
That compromise can work
And we can find some middle ground
Puttin' God and country first

But half of this here nation
Would completely disagree
They wanna burn the whole place down
And erase our history

Don't you tell me that it's rainin'
While you're pissin' on our flag
Your fiery peaceful protests
Done lit this powder keg

This here ice cream eatin', mumblin', stumblin' fool
Has run our train right off the track
Let's take our country back
We're gonna take our country back

We'll have it made in the USA
Screw the CCP
We'll drill our oil on American soil
Bring back our factories

We don't redistribute wealth
We can make our own damn cash
So maybe we can all afford
Some groceries and gas

We ain't kneelin' for the Anthem
We ain't givin' up our guns
We'll stand our ground for liberty
We won't ever run

There's a hunter up there on the hill
Sittin' in our White House smokin' crack
Let's take our country back
We're gonna take our country back

Let's finish up that border wall
And restore some law and order to this land
When we take our country back
We're gonna take our country back
We're gonna take our country back
Let's take our country back

Trump Train!

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