Set Up For Success – Deut. Chpt. 33

4 days ago

After 32 chapters of recounting the exodus and reciting the Mosaic law, it's easy to approach these last two chapters with an emotional 'bad taste in the mouth'. Think of the Israelite congregation like teenagers who have just sat through a 2-hour lecture from mom and dad. They just want it to be over with. When it finally is, they will leave the room with a certain attitude – one that won't see them jumping for joy.

I don't believe God intended this final sermon of Moses to be a lecture. A reminder and a warning, yes. But he still wants Israel to cross the river with joy in their hearts, a spring in their step, and a passionate commitment to go take what he plans to give them. It's with that in mind that he moves Moses to bless Israel. In blessing he sets them up for success.

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