Revelations 2 (ep.78)

5 hours ago

Hi, I’m Sal Lopez Executive Director of Ozark Hunger Relief, I am doing this to hopefully find some sponsors (tax deductible donations) for an office in Prairie Grove, Ar. I have seen and fed many children who wander around here. I thought if I started a non-profit, the community would be happy to help. Nope! I’ve had nothing but suspicion, derision, denial, and was ripped off for everything I had, by another food pantry. They offered to help, then when I delivered everything, I had, then they told me to stay away from them, but subsequently asked me for more donations. It has been horribly depressing, but I will persevere and get this office open.
My vision is to be a community resource center, but the main goal is to feed hungry kids, whose parents are drug addicts, and or alcoholics. I guess some are just poor. Anyway, I need help and will advertise for you, and have signs of acknowledgement for every donor, proportionate for the donation.
Anyway, this episode is 78 on Revelations 2, it contains the first four letters to the seven churches in Asia Minor, written by the Apostle John under divine revelation from Jesus Christ. These letters provide praise, warnings, and instructions to the churches, calling them to repentance, faithfulness, and endurance.

1. Letter to the Church in Ephesus (Verses 1-7) – The Loveless Church
Praise: The church is commended for its hard work, perseverance, and rejection of false teachers.
Criticism: They have lost their first love (their passion for Christ has faded). Command: Repent and do the first works (return to their original devotion).
Warning: If they do not repent, Christ will remove their lampstand (symbolizing their spiritual influence).
Promise: Those who overcome will eat from the Tree of Life in God's paradise.
2. Letter to the Church in Smyrna (Verses 8-11) – The Persecuted Church
Praise: They are enduring poverty and persecution yet remain spiritually rich.
Criticism: None—this is one of the two churches that receive no rebuke.
Command: Be faithful even unto death, despite impending suffering.
Promise: Those who overcome will receive the crown of life and will not be hurt by the second death (eternal separation from God).
Letter to the Church in Pergamos (Verses 12-17) – The Compromising Church
Praise: They hold fast to Christ's name despite living in a sinful city ("where Satan’s seat is").
Criticism: They tolerate false teachings (the doctrine of Balaam and the Nicolaitans), which promote idolatry and immorality.
Command: Repent, or Christ will come quickly and fight against them with the sword of His mouth.
Promise: Overcomers will receive the hidden manna (spiritual nourishment) and a white stone with a new name (symbolizing divine approval).
Letter to the Church in Thyatira (Verses 18-29) – The Corrupt Church
Praise: The church is known for love, faith, service, and patience, growing in good works.
Criticism: They tolerate Jezebel, a false prophetess who misleads people into sexual sin and idolatry.
Command: Repent, or judgment will come upon Jezebel and those who follow her ways.
Promise: Those who overcome and remain faithful will have authority over nations and receive the morning star (a symbol of Christ’s eternal reign).
Key Lessons from Revelation 2
Spiritual Passion Matters – The Ephesians had truth but lacked love. Faith must be passionate and relational, not just doctrinal.
Faithfulness in Suffering – Smyrna’s persecution reminds believers to endure, trusting in eternal rewards.
Avoiding Compromise – Pergamos' tolerance of false teachings warns against blending faith with worldly practices.
Purity Over Corruption – Thyatira teaches that allowing sin and false teachers in the church leads to judgment.
Each letter concludes with “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches,” emphasizing that these messages apply not just to these historical churches, but to all believers throughout time.
Here are some thoughts on the Rapture:
The Rapture of Christians in the Last Days
It is a key event in Christian eschatology, referring to the moment when Jesus Christ will return to gather His faithful followers from the earth before the final judgments of the world. The term "rapture" is derived from the Latin word "rapturo," meaning "caught up," and is based on 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 (KJV):

“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”
The Event of the Rapture
Jesus will descend from heaven with a loud trumpet call and the voice of an archangel.
The dead in Christ (those who have died as believers) will be resurrected first, now to be absent from the body is to present with the lord 2 Cor 5:8, Seems to indicate that our bodies are on the earth, while our spirits are in Heaven with Jesus.
Then, living believers will be transformed and caught up to meet Jesus in the air.
Believers will receive glorified bodies and be with Christ forever.
2. Different Views on the Timing of the Rapture
There are three main interpretations of when the Rapture occurs in relation to the Tribulation (the final period of suffering before Christ's Second Coming):

Pre-Tribulation Rapture (Before the Tribulation)
The Church is taken before the seven-year Tribulation, sparing believers from God's wrath.
Based on 1 Thessalonians 5:9, which says believers are not appointed to wrath.
Mid-Tribulation Rapture (Middle of the Tribulation)

Believers go through the first three and a half years but are raptured before the Great Tribulation intensifies.
Post-Tribulation Rapture (After the Tribulation)

The Rapture occurs at the end of the Tribulation, just before Jesus' return to establish His Millennial Kingdom.
3. Purpose of the Rapture
To gather believers so they will not suffer God's final judgments.
To fulfill Jesus' promise in John 14:2-3, where He says He is preparing a place for His followers.
Now, I have noticed that America is not mentioned in The Bible, and that John doesn't mention Robots, so either we do not play a significant role in the last days, or America is no longer a World Power.
So, maybe the Rapture happens before the tribulation and the disappearance of Hundreds of Millions of Christians in America and the loss of the Holy Spirit to impede Satan, causes America to fall as a World Power.
To usher in the Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19:7-9), where the Church is united with Christ.
4. Signs Leading Up to the Rapture
Many Christians believe that certain prophetic signs will indicate that the Rapture is near:

Increase in wars, famines, earthquakes, and moral decline (Matthew 24:6-8). Most of these have already happened, I think The Rapture is near.
Rise of false prophets and deception (Matthew 24:11).
The Gospel being preached worldwide (Matthew 24:14).
The appearance of the Antichrist (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4).
What Happens After the Rapture?
The Tribulation period begins, where the Antichrist rises to power (Revelation 13).
God's judgments (seals, trumpets, and bowls) fall upon the world (Revelation 6-16).
The Second Coming of Christ occurs after the Tribulation (Revelation 19).
Christ establishes His Millennial Kingdom (Revelation 20:1-6).
Final Thoughts
The Rapture is a moment of hope and anticipation for believers, signifying the fulfillment of God’s promises. While different theological perspectives exist, the central message is to be spiritually prepared, as Jesus warned that no one knows the exact day or hour (Matthew 24:36).
Well God Bless You and please accept Jesus as your savior, Pray to God to "Please Forgive me for my many sins, I believe in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and beg you to forgive me in Jesus name, Amen." It is very simple, and cost you nothing...

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