Abortion - Life Starts At Conception - Part 2 - #9

9 days ago

If you haven’t watched part one, you must watch it first to understand part two.
We used farming and the planting of seed as an analogy to the process of pregnancy.

Aside from other details that matter for real life seed planting, I will only mention the steps that relate to my final point of life at conception. We know now how planting a seed is referenced entirely to conception, so, we look to the process of real-life seed planting to understand its steps. Here are the basic steps for planting a seed and wanting it to grow.

1 – Good soil
2 – Good seed
3 – Dig a small hole in the soil
4 – Insert seed
5 – Add water to the planted seed
6 - Cover the seed back up with soil
7 – Protect the planted ground

A simple search online shows that ALL seeds require water to grow, some less, some more, and even some can go a long time without water, but the presence of water MUST be added to all plants for it to grow, and it is added to the planted seed AT THE VERY TIME OF INSERTING IT INTO THE SOIL/PLANTING.

Now, the Spirit of God gives life John 6:63 and is mentioned figuratively as water throughout the word - John 7:37-39

Conception is equal to planting a seed.

When a farmer plants a seed, he waters it immediately.

When conception occurs, God waters it immediately with his water of life, the Holy Spirit.

Genesis 2:5 - Now no shrub had yet appeared on the earth and no plant had yet sprung up, for the LORD God had not sent rain on the earth and there was no one to work the ground.

Look at this verse talk exactly the way the Spirit of God described this section to me. No plant or shrub, or in other words, harvest from planting had sprung up, why, because God did not WATER IT. No water, no life. No Holy Spirit, no life. Farmer Plants, farmer waters. Man plants his seed, God waters it with the Holy Spirit instantly just as farmers water instantly or when looking for growth to happen.

So, yes, life starts or life begins at conception.

Sacred to the farmer are the grounds newly planted; Sacred to the Father is conception - Micah Simari

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