DryTents “The OG” drying tent MAIL CALL

6 days ago

We got a mail call from ​⁠‪@drytents3993‬
They have sent us “the OG” tent. It is 2x2x4 feet in size. And can dry up to 5 lbs at once. The tent has spinning racks that will help with a gentle breeze to prevent mould from stagnant air while eliminating the need for a fan. Which can dry your buds too fast. When you spend 4-5 months growing your cannabis you don’t want to throw all that hard work some the drain by rapidly drying your bud. A slow dry and a nice cure is key to a more enjoyable experience when consuming your hard work. DryTents has included a beautiful tinted jar that will hold about 2oz at a time. Bother the tent and the jar have temp/humidity sensors so you can know what levels your bud is being kept at while drying or curing and so you can make adjustments as needed. Whether that’s adjusting limits for your tent to vent or if it means you should burp your jar.
The tent is made of a nice thick material giveing it the solid, quality feel. There is a good zipper overlap to help keep light out as well. So this tent can also be used for a small grow space in between drying periods.
We have a discount code WCP1 for you to use to save 10% of you are looking for a designated space to dial in your drying/curing game.

DryTents YouTube https://youtube.com/@drytents3993?si=t51Sq7Qg4vONTSad


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