until you are willing to address phone "brain" STFU

12 days ago

one more video n i'm out (for now)
super easy to feel like you will never measure up
if you live a virtuous life, you will be tormented but you are always doing more than you think
you'd think i'd make way less mistakes being so hard on myself
holding yourself accountable vs self-flaggelation
i was very upset w/ myself for fucking up this mini cooper yet again
women run their cars into shit, that's what happens when the state declares that we can drive
i hate feminism w/ a passion but STILL...
you don't have to be traditional OR a feminist
you don't have to have children to understand the power of that ability
just becuz you CAN don't mean that you should
why are you w/ someone that wants kids if you don't
you and yer partner should have the same goals LOGIC
tablet kids won't change the world
the parents of these school shooters have no idea what their children are looking up on the internet
my head is already its' own separate world
how can you expect yer children to listen to you if you refuse to be a parent, leading by example
many do not know what a camcorder is

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