"Time story" A Motivational Story

4 days ago

Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a wise old man who always told people, “Time is the most valuable treasure you have.” Many villagers ignored his words, believing they had plenty of time to waste.

One day, a young man came to the old man and said, “I don’t have enough time to follow my dreams.” The old man smiled and handed him a jar filled with large stones. “Is this jar full?” he asked.

“Yes,” the young man replied.

The old man then added small pebbles, which filled the gaps between the stones. “Now is it full?”

“Yes, now it’s full,” the young man said again.

Finally, the old man poured sand into the jar, filling all the remaining spaces. “Now, it is truly full,” he said.

“The big stones are your most important goals. The pebbles are smaller tasks, and the sand is all the little distractions. If you fill your jar with sand first, there will be no room for the big stones. But if you focus on the big stones first, everything else will find its place.”

The young man realized his mistake—he had been wasting time on distractions instead of focusing on what truly mattered. From that day on, he prioritized his dreams and used his time wisely.

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