Save The Adirondack Lakes, Forests & Wetlands: Part 5

15 days ago

This part is mostly about wildlife & how wildlife relies on in-tact mature forests. If you "don't care about wildlife" as I was told by someone that some of the townspeople said... then you must not understand that protecting the HEALTH of wildlife simultaneously PROTECTS the HEALTH of HUMANS.

ALSO... in tact-forests & wildlife are a part of our ECONOMY.

I put that second, but to regular people they probably respond better to money... LMAO

If you OVERDEVELOP.... at some point it BACKFIRES & you will LOSE MORE MONEY THAN YOU EVER COULD IMAGINE, Trust me. Our value comes from our DIFFERENCES from cities.

Cities have their value, but we are NOT one & we LIKE IT LIKE THAT! Cities R that shit we DON'T LIKE over here.

If you want to live in a developed area, MOVE TO A CITY & allow this rural, residential, low-density area to be inhabited by someone like ME who wants to BE Natural take care of the land/wildlife the way God intended.

Similar to an antique or vintage item... the VILLAGE of Lake George & the Adirondack Wildlife Preserve should be treated as such.

We want to PRESERVE the character, as the person who originally sent the letter about the proposed campground said. (Super appreciate them, I'm impressed! Become politicians too if ya watch this ;p)

But as we saw in this video series... there are SHITLOADS of reasons to reject this trashy fake-gay-campground (WE already shut that shit down, but still handling certain aspects, info in video) & protect the True assets here; pristine & healthy humans, wildlife, water, fresh air, & land.

Local townspeople better ACT RIGHT otherwise they'll be goin' on my next flyer with Dave Wick, Dominic Jude, & Kathy Hochul.

LMAOOOOOOOOOO <3 I make these sassy videos cuz I love our Country & Community.

See you in the Video! Let me know what you think in the comments :)

p.s. An update will be coming soon! There is actually ONE MORE PART TO THIS SERIES.... THERE WILL BE A PART 6.

Good things MAY BE HAPPENING. The Lake George Land Conservancy is discussing with the campground ppl... POSSIBLY purchasing the land. If anyone would like to support this organization who is protecting & preserving land in Lake George area, here is a link to their website to donate or support the LGLC:

That's a quote from the ONE & ONLY SOAP you should be using, you should have learned in this series & if you don't know, rewatch! ;)

To me... it means we ALL work together in tandem with "spaceship" Earth as they also say on the soap bottle... all work synergistically or ALL-NONE.

Oh & here's Part One if you'd like to watch the whole series:

Here's the LAST part to this series, part 6:

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