Multi Topic Talk and Discussion March ‘25

7 days ago

* To genetically downgrade (GMO) all humanity into class division slavery.
* To destabilise and eliminate democracy and all human freedoms .
* To rule the world with islamic and Communist political regimes.
* To rule by Artificial Intelligence and biometrics, Social Credit Points Systems and Universal basic Income.
* To creat 15 minute cities for draconian police controls.
* To seize control of human reproduction and the human genome.
* To reduce the earths populations to 500 million by 2030 (declared through the Masonic - Georgian Guide Stones).
* To create a new digital single world currency standard. Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).
* To genetically limit the human life span to 30 years.
* To create humans with built in obsolescence.

The secret societies control the Secret Services and most importantly, ALL SIDES WORK TOGETHER. They are all controlled by the Jesuits secret society.

The secret services control the special forces. Also legal and illegal organised crime through crime bosses and asset agents.

* Dr Barry Trower directional weapons expert - British Navy.
* Prof Alfred Lambremont Webre - International war crimes Judge.
* Prof Leuren Moret - nuclear scientist and geoscientist UCLA. Reveals the Jesuits.
* “You Know Something is Wrong When ….” An American Affidavit of Probable Cause, Reizinger & Belcher. 2014.
* Prof Dane Wiggington geoscientist. Reveals Chemtrails
* Prof Eric Jon Phelps - historian, author of “Vatican Assassins”, 2009.
* Prof Walter Veith historian, video series “Total Onslaught”.
* Dr Reiner Fuellmich Nuremberg II - a trail Judge and lawyer. Enquiry into mRNA global genocide.
* David Icke - Researcher & BBC paedophilia whistleblower.
* Dana Durnford nuclear scientist. British Columbia and Fukushima evidence.
* King Edward VIII daughter Emily Elizabeth Windsor Cragg. Adolf Hitlers niece and cousin of Elizabeth II. Author of “Saints or Sons of Perdition”, 2015.
* Laura Eisenhower - independent researcher, and granddaughter of US Pres Dwight Eisenhower.
* WWII veteran Jordon Maxwell revelations.
* Maria Zeee & Stew Peters - real media whistleblower revelations concerning mRNA and other topics.
* WWII veteran TRW Inc agent William Tomkins. 5G & microchips whistle blower.
* US Airforce pilot Colonel Ben Livingston - Vietnam veteran , Chemtrails direct evidence and proof of spraying.
* Serge Monast - “Project Blue Beam” Ethos publication 1996.
* Dr James Giordano (a Jesuit) reveals Deep Voice technology into mind access via emf and mind manipulation in intelligence operatives. Georgetown university lecture to US Air Force 2021.
Dr James Giordano (1hr revealing lecture) 2021.

Jesuits Methods:
Fake climate change, fake mass media propagandised news, mRNA bioweapons and war crimes, the detriments of Emf and Emp, 5G cell phone towers and iPhones, Mk ultra mind controls via graphene oxide and mRNA binary weapons vaccinations, gmo and Glyphosate poisoned food, water, and air (Chemtrails), deadly (addictive) pharmaceutical medicine, a military industrial complex that creates and profits from all wars.... paedophilia blackmail, and far more, all need to be publicly exposed.

Books include:
“50 Years in the Church of Rome” by Charles Chinoquay - friend of Abraham Lincoln. Quotes from Lincoln about the Jesuits (his assassins) appear in the book.

“Vatican Assassins” , 2007 book by historian Prof Eric’s Jon Phelps. Describes the last 500years history of the Jesuits. Their schemes, plans and deceitful works sprouting out of the Roman Empire. Phelps describes how both the World Wars were coordinated by all sides. The planned destruction of the Protestant people deemed enemies of the Jesuits. Pitting populations and armies against each other for deliberate sacrifice and mutual annihilation.
The leadership on all sides was corrupt and colluded from inside the secret societies headed by the Roman Jesuits.Same today only bigger with AI.

“Washington in the lap of Rome”, 1888 by Justin D Fulton.

The Jesuits: their moral maxims and plots, 1881
Book by James Aitken Wylie

“Total Onslaught “ 20 volume series by Professor Walter Veith, 2010.

The Omega War Conspiracy, 2022 by Jim Taousanis.
History ABOVE the FALSE CEILING - The SECRET SOCIETIES. Audio book and softcover available in good book stores.

Smart cities as killing zones
This is already happening in China. It’s legislated and in place in Australia

Stew Peters Media - “Died Suddenly”

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich - Update and findings on Grand Jury (Nuremberg II)

Vaccines are a BIOWEAPON - Military documents confirmed. Karen Kingston Pfizer whistleblower. kingston-shock-darpa-docs-and-receipts-fauci-funded-gain-of-function-.html

KGB Defector whistleblower Yuri Bezmenov- 1984. (6.5min)
Describes in advance what the NWO is doing NOW. Warning to America.

USA - school kids arrested for speech crimes. New speech-crime laws rapidly being passed in America.

To divide and conquer the world.

The BIG PICTURE, Common Law Group and Jim Taousanis

The agenda vanguard in Gaza and Lebanon is about the REBUILD of 15 minute cities, biometrics camera recognition and Artificial Intelligence control of all people on earth. A new Spanish Inquisition from the secret society Jesuits and other paedophiles in high places. This is coming to Australia.

TASA Terra Australia State Assemblies with Jim Taousanis author (32 min).


By Jim Taousanis author & the Trump era.
(16 mins).

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