How We Beat Bank Mortgage Fraud

4 days ago

Check out what this Platinum Inalienable University member has to say about our FORENSIC MORTGAGE AUDIT CLASS:

"Gianna Miceli - The Platinum Group and overall life changing fact based materials are extraordinary and empowering.

I took the following steps after reading the material in the forensic audit course.

I looked up to see if FreddieMac owns my loan: They do not.

2. I contacted Fannie Mae to see if they own my loan.

The customer service representative shared that Fannie Mae owns my loan.

I asked him why Fannie Mae does not receive my payments and if they have my note.

The representative at FannieMae stated that the servicer has the note.

However, he said that I have two servicers.
A main servicer and a subservicer.

I asked for an explanation to understand why our loan has 2 servicers.

He asked me to contact the 2 'banks.'

3. He stated that Fannie Mae has a contract with NextBank to service my loan.

4. He also shared that Next Bank has a subservice contract with Servbank that services my loan and that I should contact Servbank for all loan related issues because they have the note on file.

I called my new service provider, Servbank, and asked for a copy of my loan and note.

The customer service representative added the 'Note' or agreement on my online portal - the agreement does not have a signature. It lists my wife and I only by name.


Looking forwars to my forensic audit.
Amazing course, too!"

Your mortgage was sold and we provide an IRREFUTIBLE forensic audit of the tour it takes after you sign it.

Once it's been separated from the contract, that's fraud.
Fraud vitiates the contract.

Using their own Uniform Commercial Codes, this unwinds the contract which means you get a free house cuz it was paid for by the sale of your note.

Scott's been doing this for over a decade.

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