How do we stop these Plandemics forever?

8 days ago

(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts: )

Dr Darrell Wolfe: Everything is about light. I just gave you the whole science of the healing. You got to do it on the emotional, nutritional and physical level.
Judy Mikovits, PhD: I'm looking at Dr Cheryl here. How do we do things at home so that we can stabilize, to even get somebody to that cardio med bed, to even get somebody to the various energy healing places like the Karlfeldt Center?
They need to have a foundation and really stabilize because we're all so badly poisoned. This is exactly what we need, and practitioners and translating that across all of North America and, of course, all the world. So it's really important, because right here in the US, in Phoenix, at the end of the month the 29th and the 30th, there's going to be International Wellness, doctors from everywhere. How do we stop these Plandemics forever?

Real Dr Judy Show Science and Protocol With Dr Darrell Wolfe aka DocOfDetox:

Phoenix Conference end of March: Will You be Made Whole?:

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