Let's make some ELK jerky!

13 hours ago

The other year we got some elk meat and we use it to make jerky.
We grind it and freeze it in gallon size bags (it equals about 5lbs of meat).

So it was time to make some jerky! We use the "high mountain" brand and there is a chart on the insert about how many pounds of meat for seasoning, cure, and water.

Using the mixer is a trick we learned to help mix everything without freezing your hands (and a better mix).

Mix up the season, cure, and water and let it sit in the fridge for 8 hours.
Now time to get it on the racks. We use a jerky blaster.
Into the dehydrator at 160F for 4 hours (we have done it for 6 at times).

Last step; enjoy it! And find a way to store the rest for snacks.

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