The WA legal action fundraiser that won't fund legal action

4 days ago

A PROMISE to fund legal action for shooters in Western Australia on the eve of having their guns taken off them, has raised concerns that shooters may not properly understand what is being offered.

A GoFundMe campaign, which has raised over $120,000, has been promoted as supporting “legal action”.

Legal action means lawsuits – as in suing the state government over the new gun laws.

However, to clarify, the fund won’t be doing that. Instead, it will provide shooters with “legal advice” on how they can fight the laws on their own.

Shooters seem to have been handing money hand-over-fist, possibly in the belief that there is ‘legal action’ in the form of a court case, which is not what the money will be used for. That's because they're desperate for help and vulnerable.

TO BE CLEAR: “LEGAL ACTION” and “LEGAL ADVICE” are two very different things.


It means (in our view) that the legal action fund is not actually for legal action.

Getting the messaging on this wrong can have serious consequences for shooters who are facing serious losses and may be confused about what these terms mean.

We understand some shooters are putting firearms in storage in the belief that there is a legal challenge that will help them before the deadline of 31 March. However, that does not seem likely to occur. This means shooters who rely on this could face serious legal problems if they don’t comply with the law on that basis.

We are not accusing anyone of making misrepresentations – but we do hope that shooters who are donating understand exactly what they are donating money to. A letter.

IF YOU MADE a donation thinking that the fundraiser was for legal action, you might want to consider asking the organiser for a refund.

If you need legal assistance in relation to your situation concerning your firearms or licence, we recommend you seek independent legal advice.

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