Jordan Maxwell: The Greatest Story Ever Told (Shorts)

15 days ago

The Greatest Story Ever Told (Shorts)

Speakers: Jordan Maxwell

All in-text references in the video were published in my book - The Matrix & The Forbidden Knowledge (Part 1-5)

Prior to Christianity, up to fifteen different ancient religions shared the same narratives. In early Christian writings, Christ is frequently compared to the astronomical Sun. God is referred to as the Sun in a number of biblical metaphors and allegories, and Jesus is shown circling the Sun.

Early Christianity left a lasting legacy on Egypt. The vivid representation of the Ancient Egyptian afterlife, in particular, had an impact on Christian scriptures. As a result, we see a flaming hell similar to the Egyptians among the Copts and afterwards in Islam.

Despite their vastly different geographical locations and cultural identities, Adam and Eve as Ask and Embla, Aphrodite as Venus, Thoth as Hermes, etc., all seem to be retelling the same story or stories. This is almost inevitable. Jesus, precisely like others, is a mythological god, yet the main distinction is that these modern religions are utilized as a stepping stone to deceive and shape the masses with a programmed sense of reality. Already, billions of people are born with a self-identitied faith that they have never questioned, as well as a belief that has been passed down to them.

Jesus Christ has been shown to be nothing more than a recycled version of previous gods, with ties to Zeus, Horus, Sobek, Saturn, and many more. All of whom embody the solar characteristics of the Sun.

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