Can You Dig It? Robin Bullock by Jerin Bynum

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We'd like to start ramping up the broadcast coming into the new year.

This next year starts at the 1st of January. Consider donating to ATKN - we have plenty of ways to give.

I've enjoyed this time off raising my son with my wife, and now it's time to get back to work - work on my ministry and work for my household. I was hoping that my life ministry could be my work, but I have never expressed the desire publicly. But, today is that day. My family would take many roads to stay afloat but remember that I am a digital Evangelist and producer of ATKN. I don't want to throw my pearls before swine and for the world to gain from the use of my talents. I want to work for the body of Christ. The message has always been free at ATKN, the Gospel is free, but if you want consistency in broadcast and content it can only happen by your commitment to see a righteous thing rise up. If the remnant wants a place where the Holy Spirit has always been welcome and all of the whole of the Ekklesia is invited, I'm suggesting that you invest into the ATKN family. This will be donations only, not a tithe; we are not a 501c3 or 08, and we do not give tax deductions or receipts.

Thank you for your faithfulness over the past 4 years to those who have consistently donated. It helped my family survive in hard times, and at the same time we have been able to help families in need. We have been able to take care of the widows and orphans. I was blessed to have a full time job last year which also provided enough for the donations to go straight to the body as needed.

All over the world, people have been willing to give to the Joel Olsteens, Billy Grahams and Kenneth Copelands... throwing profits at the false prophets like Amanda and Julie Green, while we have been doing our ministry for free. And, it will continue to be free. This is an opportunity to help grow ATKN full time - or, if you're happy with part time, we are happy to serve the body as much as possible.

For Full time broadcasting it will take $4000 a month - that's a 1 person's average income (That's 80 people willing to commit to $50 a month) or (160 people willing to commit to $25 a month). We broadcast to 10,000 people per episode, sometimes way more. Would you be among the 160 or 80 people willing to support ATKN this next year?

Luckily for you, it takes 1 person to do the production work, set up the broadcast itself, illustrate and render pre-production work, run the broadcast on a stable internet connection and run audio checks and manage broadcasting and chat functions in real time.

A producer of that caliber is worth $8,000 to $10,000 a month and the world even pays more in some cases. Then there's the podcaster themselves running an average of $5,000 to $7,000 per month successfully.

For more information about giving one time, monthly, or blessing the ministry in other ways please reach out to our email:

Available ways to give: PO BOX, Zelle - Information Given Via Email Inquiries.

Public giving links:




🖥 📷 🎥 I am also interested in selling my services as a producer / video editor / asset creator, Part Time to support my family as well! Email me about this also.

So I leave you with a blessing and a commitment to always deliver you the Holy Spirit on ATKN where we are seated together, in heavenly places! Thanks for being a part of us and a part of my growth as well! 🙏

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