GTA: Vice City - The Definitive Edition | 29 Rub Out

11 days ago

Tommy and Lance prepare to take down Ricardo Diaz, the man behind their botched drug deal. Lance arrives with two M4 rifles, ready for a fight. Meanwhile, Diaz, relaxing in his mansion, spots them on security cameras and grabs his MP5.

Fighting through waves of Diaz’s guards, Tommy and Lance breach the mansion from the basement. They battle their way upstairs, where Diaz emerges, furious at their betrayal. A fierce gunfight ensues, ending with Diaz mortally wounded.

As Diaz curses them with his last breath, Lance and Tommy deliver the final blow. With Diaz dead, Tommy seizes control of the mansion, marking the beginning of his rise to power in Vice City.

This video features a playthrough of "Rub Out" mission in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - The Definitive Edition, presented in 1440p and 60 FPS with the visually stunning Classic Lighting enabled. Immerse yourself into this classic masterpiece, now beautifully remastered and polished with enhanced visuals and refined mechanics.

This video is part of an extensive series of playthroughs and walkthroughs of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - The Definitive Edition, covering all main missions and side missions. Experience the game’s stunning remastered graphics, the remarkable Classic Lighting, and top-tier gameplay in every episode.

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