The Tale of the Astounded Sea Otter

6 days ago

In the deep blue waves where secrets lie
A sea otter drifts with a curious eye
On his furry head a plastic star rests
Unaware of the magic it behests

Gently he floats on the ocean’s crest
Dreaming of things that leave us impressed
He reaches up with a paw so light
Grabs the star beneath the moon’s bright light

:O he gasps in sheer delight
A plastic star shines so bright
In this moment pure and rare
Wonder fills the ocean air

Below the tides where mermaids sing
He marvels at this simple thing
Life's a treasure found in small
Even when the stars seem to fall

A legend born in waters clear
A tiny star brings joy and cheer
For every otter near and far
Wishes on that little star

And so he twirls in waves of glee
A symbol of simplicity
Through the ocean depths it flies
A reminder of those big wide eyes

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