Natural homemade Toilet Deodorizing Spray

9 days ago

I’m on a journey to becoming a homesteader. For many reasons including being more self sufficient but also for health. Learning to make and replace items loaded with harmful chemicals, for more natural healthy and beneficial items. This is a new item I wanted to make and try. It’s a Toilet Deodorizing Spray. To make it;
Use 1 Oz witch hazel
10 drops vitamin E oil
50 drops Essential oil
Water as needed
2 Oz glass spray bottle.

Mix into spray bottle and spray twice into the toilet as needed for a fresh smell.

Hope you make this recipe and enjoy it.

For more helpful recipes. Follow my page and like the videos.
You’re support is greatly appreciated.

#homemade #toiletdeodorizingspray #toilet #deodorizer #spray #nowfoods #vitamine #essentialoils #natural #health #healthyhome

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