Property Tax and the State of Ohio

6 days ago

A 10-member Joint Committee on Property Tax Review and Reform headed by Senator Louis Blessing has recently submitted 21 recommendations to the legislature for review.

In addition to the recommendations given by this committee, there are also recommendations for more public meetings, a simplified process of passing and collecting property taxes, more transparency in clarifying terminology, and simplifying ballot language.

Are you concerned about your property taxes and what if anything can be done to lower, cap, or prevent taxes from going higher? This class is a starting place to voice your concerns and get answers to some of your questions.

Not all responses to the Property Tax Reform Committee have been positive and few tangible results came from the committee.   Read Senator Bill Demora's comments about the Property Tax Reform Committee--Click here.

We look forward to welcoming Senator Blessing to EmpowerU.   He will speak from 7:30-8:30 PM.

Maurice Thompson is the Executive Director of the 1851 Center for Constitutional Law, a non-profit, non-partisan law firm dedicated to protecting the constitutional rights of Ohioans. Tonight, Maurice will bring us up-to-date on the important work of the 1851 Center.    

Maurice will also talk to us about the important subject Property Taxes.   He has his own view of the State Committee that met about Property Taxes and will share those thoughts with us.   Maurice and 1851 have proposed an Ohio Amendment for Property Tax Relief which would cap property tax increases to 3%.  How would this work?  Who would it impact?  Would it work?  Maurice will be speaking from 7:10-7:30 PM

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