Unpacking David Icke's 9/11 disinformation

9 days ago

As mentioned by Icke, on pages 366 to 377, with regards to Soviet technologies, as described by a former East German physicist, there were demonstrations held for the US Air Force in Weimar 1991, "how a stealth bomber could be turned into dust".

Then in 2006, a gentleman with the name of Dean Warwick, father was MI6, went on the radio, talking about these same technologies and his grandfather’s death bed confession of what he saw in the late 1950’s, namely the Soviets, the US and Britain were doing tests to turn 25 story buildings to dust. Later in 2006, during a lecture at Probe International's conference in Blackpool, England Warwick collapsed and DIED in front of the audience.

Warwick was aged 62 and was in good health. Shortly before he began his presentation, he said he felt a "beam" or "burning" at the side of his head, and conference organisers said he had spoken of having a premonition that something would happen.

At this time David Icke was selling Dr Wood's book on his website and shortly after Dean Warwick keeled over, David Icke stopped selling Dr Wood's book.

Could this be the motivation for David Icke to now be peddling the disinformation of controlled demolition of the Towers and Building 7, when he KNOWS they did NOT go down due to fire or controlled demolition?

Afraid of being heart attacked, like Dean Warwick?

The video has 5 parts;

1. Reminding Icke WHAT happened on 9/11
2. Icke’s refusal to cover the two 9/11 whistleblowers that went to court in 2007
3. Icke’s disinformation on Building 7
4. Icke’s failure to call the planes what they really were
5. Icke entertaining Captain Dan Hanley, the 9/11 planes distractor

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