Ruger LCP Max Sight Issues Continue

6 days ago

To date, the Ruger LCP Max has been 100% reliable.

I have 500 rounds through this as of now. I hated the trigger, replaced it with the MCARBO Trigger and wow, what an improvement that was!!!

I also upgraded the sights, in the hopes I could fix the issues of it shooting over 12 inches low and at least six inches left.

New sights brought the point of impact up to where it's doable. However, to get to center, I had to significantly adjust the front and rear sights... This is not normal for getting iron sights zero'd, so it HAS to be the slide or barrel or both...

Good news, Ruger is sending me a new slide and barrel... The saga continues.

BTW, Ruger LCP Max currently priced at $229 on Palmetto State Armory, $20 less than I paid...

P.S. lead guitar playing is all me - I hope you enjoyed that.

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