Tiandao Talk 120- Live Clips

9 days ago

In 8964, the Communist bandits realized that if they wanted to survive, they had to beg the United States on their knees.
In 1991, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Communist bandits felt a crisis threatening their regime. Mao Zedong’s words, "The imperialist U.S. will never abandon its intent to destroy us," trembled in the hearts of the old bastards in Zhongnanhai.
In 2001, the CCP joined the WTO, its economy soared, and the CCP kept producing biological weapons.
In 2003, SARS very likely leaked from a P3 laboratory in Guangzhou—a poison-release experiment. Wang Qishan, the "firefighting captain," smoothly entered the power center, becoming the successor to Yao Yilin, who slaughtered Chinese people in 8964, and stepped into the core of power.
In 2004, the CCP and France jointly built the Wuhan P4 laboratory.
In 2005, Chi Haotian, the designer of the 13579 Plan, delivered a speech about "clearing the field" of the United States—an extreme anti-human stance mirrored by the CCP’s "keep the island, not the people" policy toward Taiwan.
In 2013, Xi Death Emperor met with Obama at the "Manor Summit"—the famous origin of the Winnie the Pooh meme. Feeling humiliated, Xi immediately went to Russia, launching a plan to ally with Russia to destroy the U.S., initiating war-wolf diplomacy and using the Belt and Road Initiative for rampant overseas military expansion (civil-military fusion).
In 2013, PLA Major General Liu Yazhou spoke of biological warfare taking center stage.
In 2015, Xi Death Emperor reformed the military, placing the PLA’s Academy of Military Sciences directly under the Central Military Commission.
In 2019, the global pandemic began—biological warfare started.
By the end of 2020, the Great Vaccine Leap Forward took place.

🚨Biological mother-and-child bullets were fired at innocent people worldwide— disaster is coming

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