The right way to fix the biggest cause of anxiety

15 days ago

Friends, if you want to permanently end psychological problems like anxiety, OCD, depression, and panic, you need to fix the root cause. Every issue arises from a reason, and if you eliminate that reason, the problem will stop. The cause of these troubles is perceptual misinterpretation. To understand this, we first need to know what perception is.

Perception is how our brain creates an internal reality based on information received from our five senses - sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. This internal reality forms our emotions; they come from how we interpret external events. If our perception of the outside world is positive, then positive emotions will follow. Conversely, if our perception is negative, negative emotions will arise.

When everything appears fine externally but we feel anxious or fearful, it means our internal story is not reflecting reality correctly. This mismatch is known as misinterpretation, where we derive an incorrect meaning from external situations. This can lead to illusions and psychological issues like anxiety, panic, and depression. To eliminate these problems, we must address the misinterpretation.

Misinterpretation stems from the negative patterns formed through our learning experiences from childhood. These patterns cause automatic negative thoughts and feelings. When our minds create stories about fears, such as a heart attack, even if there are no real external threats, we feel anxious and panicked. It’s crucial to realize that the fear does not reflect the true external situation; it’s just a story created by our mind.

To combat this, we must correct our perceptions by addressing negative patterns through new, positive learning. By sending consistent positive information to our minds, we can replace negative patterns with realistic ones. This leads to a true perception of reality where what is outside aligns with what is inside, eventually eliminating psychological issues.

Regular practice of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) helps work on beliefs and thoughts. As old negative patterns degrade, new positive patterns form, bringing our personalities closer to reality. When our mind recognizes that everything is fine inside and outside, our psychological problems will diminish.

If this video resonates with you, please let me know in the comments. If you haven't subscribed to my YouTube channel yet, do so for updates on new content. We have also launched a complete workshop on CBT to help eliminate perceptual misinterpretation. You can find the link in the description for further assistance with your psychological issues. Thank you very much, friends.

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