PA Begins Mass Chicken Elimination - Not Joking!

12 days ago

Farmers would fair better taking the issue to court!! they will kill them all anyway!! they can try and bully us but we can say NO!!! They wanna take down the Amish!! They resisted and wow have courage.

Certified Poultry Technician Training & Avian Influenza Update

Signed into Law
Feb 06, 2025

Since 2022, the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture has been working with our poultry producers to prevent the spread of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, also known as High-Path, a type of bird flu.

In the past year, states around the country, including our neighbor Ohio, have found High-Path spreading to dairy cattle, demonstrating the importance of those preventive efforts.

Certified Poultry Technicians are key to preventing the spread of High-Path. Unfortunately,
the law authorizing Certified Poultry Technicians to do this work, which was first passed in 1956, sorely needs to be updated.

Many individuals who work in Pennsylvania’s poultry operations are not US citizens and despite legally being able to work on farms in the United States, limiting Certified Poultry Technicians to US citizens, prevents these hardworking individuals from becoming Certified Poultry Technicians.

My bill would change this so that anyone able to work in the US legally would be able to become a Certified Poultry Technician, once they complete the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture’s training course.

Additionally, Certified Poultry Technicians would be able to take samples from birds from the farms where they work. Our poultry operations have indicated that this limitation also heavily impacts the ability of our farmers to make use of Certified Poultry Technicians in an efficient manner. My bill would eliminate this prohibition.

Finally, my bill would align the fee structure in the authorizing law to match that from the Administrative Code of 1929. Section 602-A(7) set the annual fee to $10 in 1981, which is the same as in my bill, so there is no fee increase in this bill.

I hope that you will join me in supporting Pennsylvania’s poultry industry.

Printer's No. 0272

Apply for a Certified Poultry Technician License

Collection of Samples - PA.GOV

PT Tester by County - North Central Poultry Association

Poultry Technician Search - pa

Pa. moves to let non-citizens obtain poultry testing licenses as bird flu quarantine expands
Supporters of the legislation said it would increase the number of people available to test poultry flocks as the state continues heightened monitoring for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI).

HPAI 2022 Pennsylvania Permit Guidance Table

Cows Too

PA Requires Bulk Milk Testing to Protect Dairy, Poultry

original link from An American Homestead

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