Learn the art of Living in the Generous Now!

11 days ago

In this video today, we demonstrate the benefits of living in the generous Now!

As long as you continue to choose to live in the past or the future, where you continue to choose to attach a negative meaning to any of the events, which occur in your experience, you will remain trapped in a cycle of ongoing negative emotions., such as fear, anger or anxiety.

Remember that your emotions are the language that you use to communicate with the quantum field or consciousness itself.

Those consistent negative emotions,, engage with the low resonant frequencies within the quantum field, which results in the creation of low vibrational interference patterns within the quantum field.

These low resonant frequencies then mirror, what we perceive to be a negative life experience

So, if you want to shift your life experience positively, the first step is to learn the art of living in the generous “Now”, where you choose to view everything in your life, as merely an event, with neither a positive or negative connotation.

Once you master the art of living in the neutral “Now”, you can begin the beautiful journey from a place of neutrality, towards love, passion, gratitude and eventually unconditional love.

As you master this, your consistent positive emotions of love, passion and gratitude, will become the language that you use top engage and communicate with the quantum field or consciousness itself.

These higher resonant frequencies, will engage with higher resonant interference patterns, within the quantum field, which will then mirror what we will perceive as a positive life experience.

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