Mega Man X:Flame Mammoth & Spark Mandrill

11 days ago

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Original Upload Date Aug 7th, 2021
Ah yet another video to this Mega Man X playthrough I have done so here as the title suggests I go ahead and off 2 more bosses with the next set being the big guys of the game yep it is time to drop the big guys since I started with the 2 birds. So here I start with Flame Mammoth his level I like a bunch and always have it is very straight forward and the music is just perfect and Flame Mammoth himself actually isn't that hard either if I wanted to I could have actually started with him and beat him with just the buster but then I would be giving up the dash for X which is important and vital to have and the lava would still be active in the place so I would miss the life up container. So there is some benefit in this game to playing in certain orders. Then afterwards I take on Spark Mandrill's stage another well loved stage for me and again just amazing music lot's of fun here especially on the portions where it gets dark at and I have to carefully navigate through while light making enemies zip across the screen it is fun hitting them.

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