173.20250309 The 9/11 WarRoom:

5 days ago

🔥Richard & Gail Gage on 9/11 Free Fall ! 🔥
It’s the interview that the 9/11 Truth Movement has been waiting for.
In this episode of 9/11 Free Fall, Richard and his wife, Gail, sit down with host Andy Steele to talk about the work the couple has done since Richard’s departure from AE911Truth in 2021. They also discuss the work ahead for the entire 9/11 Truth Movement as it gets behind former congressman Curt Weldon’s effort to get a presidential commission to reinvestigate the World Trade Center destruction.

1.) Here’s the latest from Curt Weldon on how we can amplify our support beyond distributing letters to firehouses and the White House:
"Articles in major Fire/EMS Publications would be great. Also, there are at least 35 Stakeholder Groups that should be copied. I hope to brief Members this week. Developing a list of Firefighters/EMS with local Department affiliations would also be helpful. I cannot overstate the importance of the short audiovisual tribute highlighting Battalion Chief Orio Palmer reaching the floor of impact (78) with his crew As I have tried to convey, elected officials DO NOT USUALLY pay attention to technical details as I pointed out from my first term working in 6 Congress Office Bldgs in clear violation of every Building (and Life Safety) Codes nationwide. You have all witnessed this for 24 years! The short A/V tape of Orio cannot and will not be ignored!"


To maximize our impact, please distribute this document to the following recipients:
- Local firehouses across key regions
- The White House Office of Public Engagement
- Editors of major Fire/EMS publications (e.g., Firehouse Magazine, JEMS, Fire Engineering, etc.)
- Members of Congress, especially those Curt plans to brief this week (Task Force on the Declassification of Federal Secrets: Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, Rep. Nancy Mace, Rep. Tim Burchett, Rep. Lauren Boebert, Rep. Eric Burlison, Rep. Eli Crane, Rep. Brandon Gill
- Firefighters and EMS personnel with local department affiliations
- Relevant advocacy groups in the fire safety and emergency services community

Let’s ensure this reaches the right hands and drives the attention it deserves. Together, we can make this impossible to ignore.

See the document that Curt Weldon will be presenting to the Trump
administration and the letter campaign below it at:

2.) One incredible piece of information Weldon shared in an interview January 28, 2025 with Jimmy Dore was that the U.S. not only knew where Osama bin Laden was when it invaded Afghanistan, but it helped to hide him in the Balochistan region, which mainly overlaps Iran and Pakistan.

“We sent thousands of American kids into Afghanistan looking for bin Laden,” he said. “Twenty-five hundred came back dead. Thousands more came back injured. Yet it was America that knew, and helped place bin Laden in Balochistan after 9/11 while we s ent kids to die in Afghanistan. That's outrageous. That's unacceptable.”

3.) Clayton Morris of The Redacted Inc asked Rep. Luna about 9/11 and controlled demolitions. He couldn't have made it any clearer. Luna sidestepped the question, gave year old information as if no one knew about it (Omar al-Bayoumi casing the Capitol Building) and then said... gotta go like when Luke Rudkowski confronted Donald Rumsfeld about Building 7. I gotta go. Why are politicians so afraid to address controlled demolitions? Clayton Morris = A+
Representative Anna Luna = F
See also:
New video said to show Saudi spy who aided 9/11 hijackers ‘casing’ the U.S. Capitol Feb 17, 2024 By Dan Christensen

4.) National Science Foundation under fire, as FOIA requests expose unconstitutional censorship ring

Mechanics of Progressive Collapse: Learning from World Trade Center and Building Demolitions
Author: Zdenĕk P. Bažant, F.ASCE
The collapse simulations, which are of broader interest for the theory of fracture and size effects, were partly supported under U.S. National Science Foundation Grant No. NSFCMS-0556323 to Northwestern University.

Scaling of strength and lifetime probability distributions of quasibrittle structures based on atomistic fracture mechanics
Zdeněk P. Bažant
This work was supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant CMS-0556323 and Boeing, Inc. Grant N007613.

5.) Joe Rogan discusses 9/11 with Ian Carroll
Exploring False Flags, Building 7’s Collapse, and Potential Saudi-CIA Involvement segment:
From Irgun to IDF: Terrorist Roots of Israel’s Founding, the Deep State Legacy, and Links to 9/11 Mysteries segment:

Joe Rogan podcast guest says Israel is behind a Jeffrey Epstein coverup. (And 9/11, too.)
HITPIECE By By Louis Keene (keene@forward.com, x.com/thislouis)

6.) Retired OEM Deputy Commissioner Joins Call for New 9/11 Investigation
Craig McKee
See also:
Richard Rotanz Reports elevator Blown Out Of Shaft In WTC7

7.) NEW PAPER AT IC911JUSTICE: The Descent and Tilting of the North Tower Antenna By David Chandler

8.) CSI:DC

9.) One Nation Under Blackmail (free online version)
By Whitney Web

10.) Curt Weldon’s Initiative to Investigate 9/11
Joshua Shoenfeld

=GENE'S MEMES===============
Wouldn't we all like Whitney Webb to write this book:

With all the JD Vance memes, I had to make a 9/11 one:

Golf ball, Jenga, WTC 1... what's the hardest way for them to go?

George W. Bush and the WTC 1, 2, & 7 Jenga

Trump - The Art of the Drop

===9/11 TRUTH EVENTS============

-Mar 20, 6:30PM ET, Boston 9/11 Truth Interviews Dan Noel
Email SueSerpa@gmail.com for invite

-Mar 25, 8:00PM ET, TAP Talk Roundtable: Our American Emergency: Strengthening Ties for Action

-Apr 3, 6:30PM ET, Boston 9/11 Truth Interviews Gerry Burns
Email SueSerpa@gmail.com for invite

-Apr 17, 6:30PM ET, Boston 9/11 Truth Interviews Diana Castillo
Email SueSerpa@gmail.com for invite

=PINNED MESSAGES================

Dr. William F. Pepper, Esq., fought tirelessly for truth, exposing the conspiracy behind Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination. To preserve his legacy, the Friends of Dr. William F. Pepper, Esq. have launched a project to archive his work with the National Civil Rights Museum. Support is needed to fund this effort and assist his family, who face financial hardship.

Supporting Michael Wolsey Medical Fund
Michael was officially diagnosed with base of tongue cancer in February 2024. He was an early 9/11 truth advocate who still runs 9/11 Visibility.

If anyone would like to order Ghosts of 9/11 patches

We’ve built a 9/11 Truth Community!

Hammux can get you any video shown on this list:

View/Download the RichardGage911 WTC Slide Deck!

View/Download Richard Gage's Street Brochure

===WHO WE ARE==============

The 9/11 WarRoom (911warroom.com) is a weekly roundtable discussion hosted by Gene & Sandra focusing on 9/11 news, strategy and activism. Everyone is welcome to participate in the conversation or just listen in.

Topic: The 9/11 WarRoom
Time: Every given Sunday at 5PM ET

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Contact Us:
Gene Laratonda

Sandra Jelmi

Pittsburgh 9/11 Truth:

Archives at the bottom of 911WarRoom.com

===9/11 Truth Movement Partners===============
Protecting All Protectors Alliance ProtectingAll.org
Richard Gage, AIA RichardGage911.org
International Center for 9/11 Justice IC911.org
The Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry LCfor911.org or 911Lawyers.org
The Truth Action Project TruthActionProject.org
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth AE911Truth.org

===CHAT LOG================

17:02:18 From bob-the-free-radical to Everyone:
wasn't there some sort of limitation of how much Trump will read? . . .

17:02:44 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Yes, and it has to have pictures

17:11:33 From bob-the-free-radical to Everyone:
L0L . . .

17:17:32 From bob-the-free-radical to Everyone:
Note of caution here
Nixon commissioned a study of "is pot dangerous"?
and the result came back that its not . . . however Richard the mad started the "war on drugs" anyhow. .

17:18:55 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
This book has cartoons! https://www.amazon.com/s?k=the+cia%27s+greatest+hits&crid=GRPU9DB7LF4P&sprefix=The+CIA%27s+%2Caps%2C154&ref=nb_sb_ss_mvt-t9-ranker_1_10

17:19:08 From magnus langlete to Everyone:

17:21:35 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Justice= Just US ❤️

17:28:32 From Alfred Magaletta to Everyone:
limited hangout

17:28:50 From Alfred Magaletta to Everyone:
blah blah blah

17:29:27 From Eli’s iPhone to Everyone:
Sounds like it, but…. She did say that the Fbi mishadling seemed intentional

17:30:52 From Alfred Magaletta to Everyone:
can you say mossad

17:36:52 From Alfred Magaletta to Everyone:
rogan is the ultimate gate keeper

17:43:27 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
https://youtu.be/kP0Hs-v-uJ0?si=ZUnjAipKMQVMhgrn 29 seconds into this

17:43:34 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "rogan is the ultimate gate keeper":
It totally sucks, but I gotta agree Alfred…

17:44:16 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "Sounds like it, but…. She did say that the Fbi mis...":
That’s a start…

17:44:29 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
https://youtu.be/8QH3KDV6834?si=M0lZOblB4TYW5g7W rare video with music

17:44:42 From magnus langlete to Everyone:

17:49:02 From magnus langlete to Everyone:

17:51:58 From Eli’s iPhone to Everyone:
This may be the link between 9/11 and Epstein: https://radaronline.com/p/prince-andrew-lady-victoria-hervey-jeffrey-epstein-role-9-11/

17:52:39 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Vancing Israelis!

17:57:17 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
1:8 https://youtu.be/8QH3KDV6834?si=M0lZOblB4TYW5g7W

18:05:41 From Alfred Magaletta to Everyone:
have we heard from the rude boys/adam fitzgerald

18:06:18 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Every ending is a new beginning. Every beginning is a new ending. Yes, thank you Andy and AE!!

18:06:46 From Michael Cook to Everyone:

18:15:21 From gerry to Everyone:
The muzak playlist

18:15:30 From gerry to Everyone:
over the PA system

18:16:17 From Ross Migrating Bird to Everyone:
Not Tom Brokaw....Peter Jennings ABC

18:16:42 From magnus langlete to Everyone:

18:19:48 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
https://youtu.be/26VOUjE97o8?si=yeh-p1tOI29zoViw steel and water steam

18:29:15 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
https://youtu.be/zhyj9NfxC3E?si=Ua3p1NU_96kLKO0x rumsfeld

18:43:06 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
I’ve been making some efforts with the climate change folks I follow. Climate change is complicated.9/11 is not. They need to start saying something…. Some have huge audiences…

18:44:16 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
The “poly crisis” or the “meta crisis” have become popular terms. It’s not just climate change. It’s money, energy, societal breakdown, etc..

18:47:17 From Michael Cook to Everyone:

18:51:23 From bob-the-free-radical to Everyone:
Ask the Climate chage people
where is that sea-level rise?

18:53:37 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Replying to "Ask the Climate chage people where is that sea-le...":
It’s happening. It’s way slower than even 9/11 truth, but there’s very worrying developments in the last few years. I’ve been checking it out for 35 years, so, I can provide lots of data. It’s tough to wrap your mind around, the 4.5 billion year history of Earth and everything. It’s kinda like astronomy in some ways… Just really vast…

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