Rost Martin RM1S - New Sub-Compact Carry Pistol

11 days ago

In this video, I dive into a detailed review of the Rost Martin RM1S Sub-Compact Carry Pistol. Whether you're a seasoned gun enthusiast or a first-time buyer looking for a reliable concealed carry option, this review covers everything you need to know about the RM1S.

I'll compare its design, ergonomics, and performance to its big brother, the RM1C. From its sleek, lightweight build to its impressive handling, I’ll explore why the RM1S might just be the perfect choice for your everyday carry.

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The purpose of this video is for education only. The views and reviews expressed in this video are that of my own and are not intended to facilitate any sales. Any review is based on my experience with the product(s) featured. No firearms or products are advertised to be sold in this or any video on this channel, and RTT: Guns & Gear does not sell firearms. All live firing of firearms is done in a controlled environment on a closed and safe range, by trained professionals, or under the supervision of trained professionals.

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00:00 Introduction
01:51 RM1C size comparison
02:46 Specs
03:24 Trigger
04:50 Grip & texture
06:36 Reliability
08:07 Shootability
09:12 Holster options
10:00 Negatives of the pistol
11:59 Price

#RostMartin #RM1S #SubCompactPistol #GunReview #ConcealedCarry #EverydayCarry #FirearmsReview #PistolReview #SelfDefense #secondamendment #2ndamendment

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