Episode 89: 3 Keys to Ditch the Self Doubt

6 days ago

Turn Fear Around Podcast: Episode 89: 3 Keys to Ditch the Self Doubt

In this episode, fill up with your "why" so you can overcome the self-doubt and move forward strong and confident.

Join us for bite-sized, actionable episodes (usually 5-10 minutes) that offer simple tools and techniques to help you turn your fear around. Whether you're struggling with riding anxiety, dealing with a nervous horse, or just looking to regain your confidence, these episodes will leave you with something you can do right away. Plus, you can always re-listen when you need a refresher.

Key takeaways:

🐴 Reconnect with Your Why
🐴 Keep Your Why Front and Center
🐴 Let Your Why Be Your Shield

Looking for a little help to ditch self-doubt? Let’s explore your why, build your shield, and move forward with confidence! Book your free chat now and take the first step toward ditching your self-doubt. I have helped clients with both courage coaching and hypnotherapy to overcome their challenges and enjoy life again. Schedule your free chat here:

Additional Resources:

- Hypnotherapy Chat (https://elisehittinger.com/page/hypnotherapy-page) – Let's see if a hypnotherapy session is right for you.
- Book: Rise From Fear to Courage: Saddle Up and Enjoy Riding Your Horse Again (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08DLVL27L) – My step-by-step process to regain your confidence in the saddle.
- Blog: Tackle Self-Doubt: Your Pre-Ride Confidence Plan (https://elisehittinger.com/blog/51021/tackle-self-doubt-your-pre-ride-confidence-plan)
- Fear to Courage Support Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/FINDINGCOURAGEHORSE) – Join our supportive community of riders and horse lovers.

Stay Connected:
Follow Me on: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/elisehittinger/

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ehittinger/

Rumble - https://rumble.com/user/ehittinger

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@elisehittinger5358

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisehittinger/

Website - https://elisehittinger.com/

Thank you for listening! Together, we can reset your anxiety, create calm, and bring joy back to your relationship with your horse.

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