1st JOHN # 4, The power of the Divine Dynasphere of God is infinitely perfect! (3-13-25)

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This “from the beginning” is the third beginning.
1 John 1:1 What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our hands, concerning the Word of Life—
What was from the beginning - EIMI, εἰμί, (v. imperfect, active. indictive) The imperfect tense means that “something is ongoing in the past. That means that “was” was already in existence, not that it “came into existence at creation.”
Verb - A word that describes an action, state of being, or the production of a result.
Imperfect tense - The imperfect tense is called a progressive imperfect which denotes action in progress in past time.
active voice - Our Lord Jesus Christ produced the action of the verb during His incarnation by functioning inside of the Divine Dynisphere.
Indictive mood – It is declarative for the reality of the hypostatic union at the point of the virgin birth, plus the humanity of Christ relying upon the Divine Dynasphere rather than the independent function of His own deity. This is a very important point which is emphasized in the first three verses and becomes a major issue in the conflict between God’s sphere of power and Satan’s sphere of power.
from the beginning – ARCHE, ἀρχή, (n. gen. sing. fem.). ① the commencement of something as an action, process, or state of being, beginning, i.e. a point of time at the beginning of a duration. ⓑ beginning, origin in the absolute sense.
Here “from the beginning” does not connote eternity past as John uses it in the Gospel of John 1:1. Here it connotes, not eternity past but to a specific beginning, the virgin birth, the first advent of Christ who is the manifest person of the Trinity.
Here we have the point of the virgin birth and a specific beginning in time. What was from the beginning was the first advent of Christ, the hypostatic union, our Lord’ humanity functioning inside of the divine dynasphere. The emphasis of this epistle is on the first advent of Christ because the Gnostics denied it in part or in total.
There is another very important “in the beginning.”
Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
This was the second beginning which was the creation of the heavens and earth, but not the beginning of God.
Isaiah 43:13 "Even from eternity I am He, And there is none who can deliver out of My hand; I act and who can reverse it?"

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