Elon Musk Explains Why Democrats Want to Destroy Him

18 days ago

Elon Musk Explains Why Democrats Want to Destroy Him


This is why the Democrats want to destroy me.

"At the heart of the sort of like, why is the Democrat propaganda machine so fired up to destroy me? That's the main reason.

The main reason is that, is that, entitlements fraud, that includes, like, Social Security, disability, Medicaid, entitlements fraud for illegal aliens is what is serving as a gigantic magnetic force to pull people in from all around the world and keep them here."

Basically, if you pay people, at a standard of living that is above 90% of Earth, then you have a very powerful incentive for 90% of Earth to come here and to stay here.

But if you if you end the illegal alien fraud, then you that you turn off that magnet, and they leave.

And they they stop coming, and the and the ones that are here, many of them will simply leave."

"And if that happens, a mass they will lose a massive number of Democratic voters. And if it didn't happen, they would turn those people into voters Correct. Which they were trying to do.

They're already turning them so in New York state, illegal aliens can already vote in state and city elections."

"A lot of people don't know that. They're trying to fight them, and they're trying to stop that, but it's they're currently I think it's, like, 600,000, are registered to vote, illegal aliens, in New York.

That is wild.

If you look at, say, you know, FEMA like, the the agency that was paying for illegal aliens to stay at luxury hotels in New York was FEMA."

"That's an agency that's meant to support Americans in distress from natural disasters, was paying for luxury hotels for illegals in New York. It's true.

That's a fact. Fact. They're literally like, when when we stopped that payment, we stopped all those those money because that's obviously an insane way to spend taxpayer money.

The New York, sued the government sued the federal government to get the money. So you could just look at their lawsuit."

"They were give they were sending that money even after president Trump signed an executive order saying it needs to stop. They still press send on $80 million to luxury hotels in New York.

Your tax money went to pay for illegal aliens in luxury hotels in New York from an agency that is meant to help Americans in distress from natural disasters.

And I would like to know how much and I would like to know how much they spend on North Carolina and how much they spend on Maui."

"What's actually happening is they're buying voters. That's really what's happening. It's like it's like a giant voter fraud scam.

They're importing voters, and it's really just a matter of time.

So, like, if a lot of people have trouble believing this, but if you the more you look at it, the more you will realize just how much of a problem this is and how it's it's it's not just real."

It is an attempt to destroy democracy in America. That's what it in my view, it is what it really is.

Like, if you take the sort of seven swing states, like, often the margin of victory there is, like, maybe 20,000 votes. If you put 200,000, illegals in there and they have, like, a 80% likelihood of voting down, and it's only a matter of time before they become citizens, then those swing states will not be swing states in the future.

And if they are not swing states, we'll be a permanent one party state country."

"Permanent, deep blue socialist state. That's what America will become. And that was the game plan? That that was that was the game plan. That is still the game plan.

And so they almost succeeded.

If the machine of which the Kamala puppet was the representation had won, that's what would have happened.

The reason I went so hardcore for Trump was because, to me, this was a fork in the road, very like, a very obvious fork in the road.

If they had another four years, they would legalize enough illegals in the swing states to make the swing states not swing states. They would just they would be blue states."

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