Sabbath Message (Audio) for 16/13/47/120 - 15/03/2025

12 days ago

Sabbath 16/13/47/120

Dear Friends

Today is what the Romans refer to as the “Ides of March”. Over this last week we have seen over 1300 Syrian Christians reported killed and 530 Alawites killed by Islamist forces. The Alawites were photographed lying in the streets where they had been lined up and shot. It is reported that the Islamists have killed over 17000 Christians and Alawites in Syria to date. We will now see these Islamist cretins slaughtered, and Damascus destroyed in accordance with Isaiah ch. 17 (F023v). Soon the Witnesses will be here and we will have seen the northern forces invade the Middle East and take it over and imprison these Islamists. The terrorists will be killed and the people reeducated. Purim is not an idle festival and it is expected now in these last days (see F017iii).

We are now entering the Time of the End as we saw in the papers No. 141C_4D and that commences the 1335 days of Daniel ch 12 (No. 141C_4C). These are also covered in the Rumble videos at

The Wars of Amalek (No. 141C) will now escalate over the Wars of the Fifth and the Sixth Trumpets. One Third of the world will be killed in the War of the Sixth Trumpet and a further 25% will die from the pestilence and the bioweapons of the Fifth Trumpet. The Witnesses will arrive at the beginning of the final Empire of the Beast (No. 299A), after the third of the world are killed, and prophesy for 1260 days. Over that time the Babylonian Religious whore will be killed and destroyed (Nos 299B; 141D_3B).

Today we will study the paper Commentary on Ezra Part II (F015ii). This will deal with chapters 4 to 10 and will cover the position of the One True God the Father, (Elahh (Chald.) or Eloah (Heb.) as the God of the Temple and the issuance of the law and the artifacts and the priests and the Object of Sacrifice. Ditheists/Binitarians/Trinitarians pretend that this text and the names are not in the text so that they can pretend that the plural elohim is the name of God. In fact, one blasphemous heretic (Armstrong) taught that the Father was not mentioned in the OT, when in fact Eloah is mentioned all over it and 45 times on the Book of Job alone as well as here in Ezra and also in Deuteronomy ch. 32. The Bible must be studied in detail and not rely on cretins to feed false statements to the brethren.

We are now about to see the Beast system emerge and the final 1335 days of this age begin. The Witnesses will arrive (No. 141D) and then 1264 days later the Christ will arrive (No. 141E; 141E_2) and then the final 70 days will commence and then the Millennial system will commence on the 1335th day.

The entire world will then be brought back to the original early First Century Church under Christ and the Apostles. All later false religions will be wiped from the face of the earth. The world will all go back to keeping the Law and the Testimony and the Temple Calendar that flows from the Law.

We will see the Middle East now restructured and pseudo-Islam and pseudo-Christianity eliminated along with Hillel and the Talmud.

Keep the faith.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General

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