Why Finns love this toxic mushroom (false morels)

14 days ago

In Japan, people eat the potentially deadly fugu fish, while in Finland, it's spring morels. If you don't prepare this mushroom correctly, eating it can be fatal. DW reporter Ruben Kalus set out to discover why some Finns still choose to eat it and, more importantly, how to prepare it safely!

00:00 Intro
00:35 What are false morels?
01:21 The chef: Sami Tallberg
02:06 Where the mushrooms grow
02:41 Mushroom hunting
03:45 Foraging & Finnish Everyman’s Right
05:01 Preparing false morels
05:59 Taste test
07:00 Outro

Report: Ruben Kalus
Camera: Marco Borowski
Edit: Philipp Czegka
Supervising editor: Mirja Viehweger

#dweuromaxx #dwfood #falsemorels

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