Episode 30: Weathering Life’s Storms

15 days ago

The trials and challenges we face in life are sometimes referred to in the Bible as storms. How can you stand firm in faith to withstand and overcome them? Cherie and Daniel start the show talking about some of Cherie’s books, and then move into exploring ways to weather life’s storms.

Main Discussion Points:

• Understanding Spiritual Storms – What does the Bible mean when it talks about storms, and how do they apply to our lives?
• Seeking God’s Voice – Cherie and Daniel discuss how to hear God through prayer, scripture, dreams, and the leading of the Holy Spirit.
• Building on the Rock – In Luke 6:47-49, Jesus says we must be founded on His truth to withstand life’s challenges.
• Practical Steps to Get Right with God – How can we position ourselves spiritually to receive divine guidance and strength?
• Spiritual House Cleaning – The importance of removing things from our lives that open doors to the enemy.

Practical Action Items:

• Ask God for Wisdom – Spend time in prayer asking God to show you areas of your life that need alignment with Him.
• Use Concordances for Deeper Study – Tools like E-Sword and Blue Letter Bible help uncover the original meanings of biblical words.
• Trust God’s Peace – If facing a tough decision, seek God’s peace before moving forward.
• Remove Spiritual Hindrances – Identify and get rid of objects, habits, or influences that do not honor God.
• Strengthen Your Relationship with God – Develop spiritual disciplines like prayer, fasting, and scripture meditation to hear from God more clearly.


E-Sword Bible with Concordance: https://e-sword.net/

Shotgun Prayer: https://ontrackrestorationproject.weebly.com/shotgun.html

Cherie’s Books:
• Heal the Brokenhearted: http://tiny.cc/healthebrokenhearted
• Paranormal Activity: http://tiny.cc/paranormalactivity
• Growing in the Kingdom of God, Vol. 1: http://tiny.cc/growinginthekingdom1
• Place of Praise: http://tiny.cc/placeofpraise

If You Need Prayer:
If you’ve been met with resistance in your prayers or if you’ve experienced emotional, mental, or spiritual trauma and can’t seem to find a breakthrough, send an email to set up an appointment with Cherie for personal prayer:

Feel Led by God to Donate?
Support Cherie’s ministry: https://ontrackrestorationproject.weebly.com/donate.html

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This podcast is created for informational purposes only and does not replace professional medical, psychological, or spiritual advice. Always consult qualified professionals for any health concerns. The hosts and producers are not liable for actions taken based on this content.

MUSIC: "That’s What We Wanna Do" by Duane Clark is used with permission.

© 2025 On Track Restoration Project

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