Code Vein Blind Finale | Final Battle & Ending Tears!

13 days ago

Welcome to my Code Vein Blind Playthrough Part 28! Join me as the team returns to the The Gaol of the Stagnant Blood where they will battle for the fate of the world. Will they survive? Will they Save the world? Let's find out together!
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⚠️⚠️**Spoiler ⚠️ Warning**⚠️⚠️

Loved this Video smash that like & subscribe button for more gaming fun with Gamer of Lightning. What was your favorite Code Vein Boss? Drop your thoughts (no spoilers, please!) in the comments. Thanks for your support!

This is my First Blind Playthrough of Code Vein and is played on my custom gaming PC with a ASUS RTX 3090. I'm excited to play through it for the first time and share it with everyone.

0:00 - Intro
0:46 - Journey Begins
1:05 - Cannoneer & Blade Bearer Boss Battle
11:20 - Returning to Base
11:48 - Repairing Eos VestigeVI
14:00 - Repairing Eos VestigeVII
16:30 - Returning to the Gaol of the Stagnant Blood
17:25 - Skull King Boss Battle
26:15 - Final Boss Revealed
29:00 - The Virgin Born Boss Battle
44:00 - Infinity Ending
48:00 - Video Ending

#CodeVein #BlindPlaythrough #CodeVeinGameplay #GamingPlaythroughs #GamerOfLightning #VideoGameStories #RPGGames #GamingFun #StoryGames #CodeVeinPart27

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