In memory of Count Folke Bernadotte 🤍

7 days ago

Sources used in the video: 👇

(Video archive from the day the murder happened, from the UN's webside)

(Article from the Nordic Times that goes over all the important events of the day and highlight some relevant background information about the jewish terrorist involved)

(Article from Jerusalem Post that describes the internationa drama that followed this violent deed. )

(Article from Jerusalem Post that descibes Folkes humanitarian work during WWll. )

(Bonus Article about how the very same group planned to assasinate Winston Churchill , cause they believed he was to friendly to the germans)

#israel #Palestine #history
#Diplomacy #gaza #LehiTerroristGroup
#Zionism #politicalassassination


⚠️ PLEASE share this video OR his story to others - Its so very important that his memory is kept alive for future generations. DONT let him be forgotten ❤️

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