Lent Bible Study Week 1, The Messianic Prophecy

14 days ago

This week I wanted to kick off a Lenten Bible Study on the Messiah and how Jesus fulfilled the Messianic Prophecies.
To start with, what does Messiah mean and why do we call Jesus the Messiah? Well simply put, Messiah comes from Hebrew and means ‘the anointed one’. In other words, calling Jesus our Messiah is saying he is the one God anointed to lead us. In the Old Testament the prophets spoke of the Messiah and their prophecies formed the basis of what became known as the Messianic Prophecies. So what did the prophets tell us to be on the look out for?

1st Samuel 10:1
1st Samuel 16:1, 12-13
2nd Samuel 7:8, 12, 15-16
Jeremiah 31:31-34
Isaiah 11:11-12
Ezekiel 36:24
Jeremiah 16:14-15

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