How do we know God exists? | January 3

7 days ago

How do we know God exists? | January 3

In today’s episode of Strength for Today: A Daily Devotional, we explore Romans 1:18-21 and the Westminster Larger Catechism to answer one of life’s biggest questions. Discover how God reveals Himself through creation and why Scripture is essential for knowing Him fully. Learn how nature proclaims God’s eternal power and divine nature while His Word and Spirit reveal the path to salvation through Jesus Christ.

Key Points in This Episode:
How creation testifies to God’s existence (Romans 1:18-21)
What the Westminster Catechism teaches about general and special revelation
Why the Bible is necessary to truly know God and His will
Practical ways to honor and worship God in daily life

Christ Church Presbyterian welcomes you to worship with us in Knoxville, TN:
Sundays at 9:30 AM (Morning Worship)
Sundays at 5:00 PM (Evening Worship)
Wednesdays at 6:00 PM

Visit www.ComeToChrist.Church to learn more about Christ Church.

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#DoesGodExist #KnowGod #DailyDevotional #BibleStudy #ReformedTheology #StrengthForToday #ChristChurchKnoxville #ChristianPodcast #SoliDeoGloria

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