M1917 Bolo Knife Restoration

10 days ago

The Model 1917 Bolo knife was a tool issued to US soldiers in World War One. It was primarily used by engineers and machine gun crews to clear brush in order to set up shooting positions, though some did see combat usage.

It's based on the earlier and mostly identical Model 1910 Bolo made by Springfield Armory. Instead, the M1917 was made by commercial firms, with most being made by Plumb and American Cutlery Company. The later 1917 CT was a further simplification necessary to supply the rapidly growing American Expeditionary Force.

I found this example at a gun show recently. It's in poor condition, with the grip screws missing and a section of wood grip broken off. In addition, the cross guard is both bent and loose. I correct these issues in order to make the knife complete.

The word "restoration" is used generously. I intend to make the knife usable, while retaining the 100+ year old patina.

00:00 1917 Bolo
01:48 Issues
02:21 Crossguard
05:36 Broken grip
14:39 Screws
19:40 Final product

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