Using Brownies to Manage Stress

6 days ago

Today we are goig a little stir crazy. We have been trapped inside for a couple of weeks now by the cold and snow. For most people, the snow means an occasional paid day off on the company, but for a homesteader there is no upside to the snow. The stress created by not being able to do the work we know needs to be done makes us stir crazy after a couple of days, and this has been going on for a couple of weeks now! We look for little ways to relieve the stress and provide some small enjoyment in the day. Chocolate makes every day better, so let's make some brownies.
2T butter, softened
1/2 c. Sugar ( I used stevia and Splenda brown sugar blend)
1 egg
1/4 c almond beverage (or heavy cream)
1 c. Almond flour
1/4 c unsweetened cocoa powder
1/8 t. Salt
1 t, baking powder
1/4 c chocolate chips (no sugar added)

Grease or butter an 8x8 pan
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Cream butter and sugar, and mix in egg. Add milk and extracts. Add dry ingredients and blend; stir in chocolate chips.

Add to prepared pan and bake 30-35 min. Do not overcook.

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