Tariffs USA-CA-MX

2 days ago

Tariffs USA-CA-MX
Excellent explanation of the supposed debacle of the 2025 TARIFF strategy.
I does not cause inflation in the U.S.
i.e.- If you want to buy a car made in Canada, Mexico, or Europe... it will cost you more. If you buy a top-shelf American-made car, you will pay less than the average foreign-made car. It's a choice. Inflation is not a choice.!
Set all that aside, USA will suffer less than CA or MX, which is unfortunate for them. But their national leadership is bringing that situation upon themselves. At the start of this situation, the Trump administration merely asked CA & MX to secure their border a little bit tighter... That's all that was asked.
CA & MX politicians creed became, "Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste.!" Instead of tightening their borders, which is good for all 3 countries, the CA & MX leadership wanted to look tough with their not bending to Trump shtick.
Brilliant..!! They bring pain upon their country and then blame it on Orangeman.
Meanwhile, their citizens get shafted..!!

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