Biz Owner Exit The IRS & State Tax Fockery

13 days ago

Are you a biz owner or self employed?
Do you want to keep ALL YOUR MONEY?

Why do you think you need a state/IRS structure to BE in business?

You don't.

And I want to tell you the theory of how to navigate this in 2025.

In 2002 I opened my first business, simply by OPENING my business,

I took credit cards.
I get a 1099 still to this day.

I am not breaking the law and I'll tell you why in my class.

March 19th, 6pm EST Inside my Inalienable University.

Let this be the year you exit the fraud matrix and live your life as it was intended.

In freedom.

Freedom from taxes.
Freedom from regulation.
Freedom from fockery.

Can the state run YOUR BUSINESS better than YOU?

This class is FREE.
Hit the link https://InalienableUniversity and get on my email list.

On the 19th I'll send out the info.

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