Our World History in a nutshell

6 hours ago

138.213 weergaven 11 nov 2024
Our world is an evolutionary sphere - part of a Universe of universes. However, there are significant events in the distant past that have completely changed the evolutionary path of our world and the repercussions of these tragic events are still being felt on our planet today.

Link to a sibling study to this video from Urantia Book Network:
• STUDY GROUP - Dalamatia [The City of ...

While we have been greatly affected on this world, we are not alone, nor are we left to struggle in vain. There is a divine plan for the long term betterment of our planet; and we can all be a part of it, if we so choose.

The abridged story of our world and our history is presented in this video, with information and truths revealed in The Urantia Book. (Published 11/11 at 11:11am (Pacific)

Sections include:

00:00 - Our World
00:57 - Where are we
02:00 - What is our parentage
03:48 - Our world 200,000 years ago
05:17 - How it should have been
06:34 - How it went wrong
09:20 - Betrayal of truth, faith and God
10:28 - The earmarks of this disaster
13:06 - We were not alone
16:32 - How we were betrayed
17:15 - This was not our fault
17:43 - The heroes of the rebellion
21:05 - Uplift
23:44 - The divine plan to overcome and prevail
26:14 - Michael of Nebadon
30:53 - A greater revelation to come
35:30 - Do you wish to be a part of this divine plan?

Concept, script writing, art and animation: Gary Tonge

Concept, music, audio effects, audio production and script writing: Jeremy Daigle

Narration and additional script writing: Paula Thompson

Narration and additional script writing: Andre Radatus

Additional script writing: Chuck Thurston
Of / @urantiabooknetwork

Additional script writing: Derek Grimm

Additional script writing: Josh Abernathy
/ @urantiabookscienceandhistory

Find The Urantia Book online:


Known typos in presentation:

02:40 - "univese" - "universe"
21:17 - "Recievers" - "Receivers"
25:20 - Incorrect water identification (actual - The Dead Sea)

"Nothing in time is perfect, but in time we can all become perfected"

Resources about the legacy of "Adam and Eve"



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