Open Your Eye tonight

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This week on Open Your Eye Tarra Simpson & Kim Cooper bring you a replay of Ep 68 from March 2023 with guest Lawyer Jack Lloyd on NOK Network

The Lawyer Is In The House! Jack Lloyd from Cannabis & Psychedelic Law Group joins Kim & Tarra for a discussion on psychedelic medicine, the law & evolving acceptance for natural therapy
Cannabis and Psychedelics Law Group LLP began as a collaboration between Paul Lewin and Jack Lloyd, two prominent Canadian lawyers in the realm of federal laws relating to controlled substances. As legalization and normalization of Cannabis and other controlled substances progressed, Paul and Jack were being asked by private individuals and small businesses to help navigate the turbulent waters of Canada’s emergent federal and provincial regulatory frameworks.

Join Kim & Tarra tonight for their discussion with attorney Jack Lloyd from Cannabis & Psychedelic Law Group on Open Your Eye on NOK Network

#OpenYourEyeShow #NOKnetwork #psychedelicthursdays

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