Do What Jesus Did, Whatever Stands in Front of You PRESS THROUGH

6 hours ago

A Toward The Mark Minute to remind each of us to do what Jesus Christ would do and call out on The Lord God if there’s something you’re standing in front of or something standing in front of you… WHATEVER COMES TO STOP YOU, PRESS THROUGH.

2 min., 23 sec.

All of us face challenges in our lives. When we focus on pressing toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus, taking one step at a time, following the lead of The Holy Spirit, we will… "Triumph Over the Urge to Quit and Avoid a Lifetime of Regret"!

Watch full "TRIUMPH OVER THE URGE TO QUIT… AVOID A LIFETIME OF REGRET" podcast (click llick link @ on our YouTube channel and @ on our Rumble channel).

Don't quit or stop short; The fruit of your labor, all you've worked for, everything you'd sought God for, everything you’ve sown for may be waiting just around the corner.

Watch 7-minute special excerpt "FINISHING MUST START IN THE HEART" video (click link @ on our YouTube channel and @ on our Rumble channel).
#FinishingStartsInTheHeart #PressIn #PressOn #PressUpward #ForThePrize

Welcome to a space where a small ministry family expresses big passion for, and joy in, Christ Jesus. This is a wonder-filled, adventurous journey for a lifetime, friend. We’re really glad you’re here!

Pull up a seat, grab a coffee or cocoa, and enjoy some time with us. We hope you join us in building the Family of God in Christ Jesus, and together we will reach more souls and fan the flame in more Hearts and Lives as we "press Toward The Mark for the Prize of the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:13-14)"!
#KeithAndBrendaLee #Faith #PressingIn #TowardTheMark #BetweenTheLines

WHERE TO FIND US (Be sure to check for any TTM resource specials mentioned in the notes for each post.)

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- Send an email request for Keith's second book, "Overcoming Intimidation":
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- The music in this video may be part of Keith Shealy & TTM’s inventory that is available by request for a financial gift amount of your choice… mp3 or CD compilation of music projects 🎶 “Between The Lines” and “Toward The Mark” CD projects are now in stock.


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