Incantation of the Spirit Tree

6 hours ago

Incantation of the Spirit Tree

Roots of earth and ancient wood,
Hear my call as spirits should,
Verdant heart where life abides,
Guard this soul where hope resides.

Rise, oh roots, and weave the spell,
Branch and bough where spirits dwell,
Leaf and vine, entwine my fate,
Shield this heart and consecrate.

Whispered winds through forest deep,
Wake the seeds from dream-filled sleep,
Sap and soil, the circle bind,
Soul and spirit, intertwined.

Rise, oh roots, and weave the spell,
Branch and bough where spirits dwell,
Bloom and grow where shadows fall,
Stand as one, both strong and tall.

Ancient oaks and willows wise,
Raise your branches to the skies,
Guide the weary through the night,
With roots that hold and hearts alight.

When dawn awakes and dew shall gleam,
Hold the power of the green,
Life and breath in sacred ground,
Spirit Tree, let strength be found.

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