🪄Dark Messiah of Might and Magic (2006)🪄 🗡️ FP-ARPG 🗡️ ✨ Swords, Stealth, Sorcery ✨ #3

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First time playing this game.

Avowed sucks, that's why I will try out Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, released on 24th October 2006 on PC and XBOX 360, Action RPG game that happens in the Might & Magic universe, Swords, Stealth, Sorcery.
The protagonist of Dark Messiah is a young man named Sareth, who is under the tutelage of the Wizard Phenrig. After years of studying the arts of magic and physical training in the arts of war, he is finally taken on an expedition to retrieve a rare artifact known as the Shantiri Crystal.

Game is on discount (75% off) on STEAM right now (until 13th of March 2025) ---> https://store.steampowered.com/app/2100/Dark_Messiah_of_Might__Magic/

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Installed some mods using this guide from Youtube ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6KpvAbnnu0

Mods I am using: (follow the video guide to know how to install these )

1. Large Address Aware ( a patch for the game's executable that increases the Memory usage from 2GB to 4GB, essential if you want to install graphical mods ) ---> https://www.techpowerup.com/forums/threads/large-address-aware.112556/

2. Dark Messiah Enhanced (DME) (Slightly better Textures) ---> https://www.nexusmods.com/darkmessiahofmightandmagic/mods/60

3. Unlimited Edition MoD ( a small pack of game fixes and ehnacements that improves the gameplay ) ---> https://steamcommunity.com/app/2100/discussions/0/412446292758831571/

4. Movement Improvement ( faster backwards movement, less strafe roll, faster sneak, crouch Toggle ) ---> https://www.nexusmods.com/darkmessiahofmightandmagic/mods/73

5. Corpses stay ( increases the number of corpses that remain each level ) ---> https://www.nexusmods.com/darkmessiahofmightandmagic/mods/65?tab=description

6. Kill the Flies ( removes the annoying fly sounds from dead bodies ) ---> https://www.nexusmods.com/darkmessiahofmightandmagic/mods/5

7. Leanna 2k Retexture ( Boobas at 2K resolution, can't go wrong with this one ) ---> https://www.nexusmods.com/darkmessiahofmightandmagic/mods/61

8. 3D Menu Mod gives ( Main Menu drops the Weird Necromancer and replaces with a more pleasant presence ) ---> https://www.nexusmods.com/darkmessiahofmightandmagic/mods/56

9. Reshade ( enhances the visual experience ) ---> https://www.nexusmods.com/darkmessiahofmightandmagic/mods/70?tab=description
*download latest reshade from here ---> https://reshade.me/ <--- select DX9 when you install it and load the .ini file from Nexus Mods.

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